
I grew up on the edge of a wood, cradled by a waterfall in a corner of the Jura mountains.

I resigned my job (September 2021), my house (May 2022) to go towards my deepest inclinations: to mix with the corpus of sciences, art and research to open unexpected paths and to share experiences, knowledge and intelligence of the hands.

Processes initiated in parallel with my professional career.

During my post-doctoral stay in Bristol (UK, Prof Stephen Mann’s Biomimicry Laboratory) I became interested in iron and its photo-sensitive compounds; the first “mise en abĂ®me” consisted of a microphotograph of nano particles of the pigment “Prussian Blue” printed from this same pigment.

In Japan, my interest focussed in ceramic glazing and in particular in the role of iron traces in the colouring (“celadons”) and their influence on the aroma of tea served in glazed bowls.

What nourishes me: my fellow human beings, the love of gardens, the colours of maple trees in autumn, rare teas, natural wine, ceramics, paper and the skills of Japanese master craftsmen.